Drum Circle in Israel "The Desert Drummers" Israeli ethnic band for events

Are you looking for a special authentic event
.Welcome to the site of the Desert Drummer Band
Thank you for reading this post, don't forget to subscribe!!we are both Drum Circle and Ethnic Band one of the Most Serious in Israel
We create our music with love and inspiration from the desert
.The place where the band members live
.Our specialty is a combination of very high-quality concerts and drumming workshops
IIn the last two decades
we have done hundreds, maybe thousands of events with drum circles
as well as
bar mitzvah events at the Kotel
if you are planning a bar mitzvah in Jerusalem
we recommend reading this article: Bar Mitzvah at the Kotel
or this article drumming at the Kotel
We have performed at major festivals in Israel
hosted on TV shows and performed in many places
including: Circle of Drummers for Children, Nursing Homes for the Elderly, and we have experience with Drummers Circle for Special Needs
Desert Drummers leads the genre of Circles Drummers in Israel
and today the band also has a next generation of Talented young players
who add a lot of color to the band
For us every event is are-excitement
!Because we love what we do
Drum Circle in Israel
The band is a band of drummers, a drum circle, an instrumental ensemble,
and a creative group. It is the flagship of Israeli drummers.
Our aim is to spread the spirit of drumming
but also to bring the music of the desert to your private celebrations and events
Our band spearheads the exposure of this genre to Israel
reinventing itself continuously, enabling you to enjoy the ethnic experience of the spirit of the desert
Please contact us now
:Our latest record
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עדלאידע פורים בבאר שבע עם "מתופפי המדבר" ותזמורת כלי נשיפה

15 שנה ל"כמוסת זמן" האלבום השני של מתופפי המדבר

להקת מְתוֹפְפֵי הַמִּדְבָּר וסאלי בר יוסף עורכים חתונה בכנרת

לַהֲקַת מְתוֹפְפֵי הַמִּדְבָּר כל מה שחדש בשנת 2025

הופעה חדשה – סאלי בר יוסף ולהקת מתופפי המדבר 2025